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The available experimental platforms concern thin film technology, materials characterization, infrared device tests, and modeling.

Thin film deposition:

  • Hollow cathode DC sputtering unit

  • Thermal annealing furnaces


Materials characterization:

  • Optical interferometric profilometer*

  • Scanning Electron Microscope*

  • Bench for electrical transport measurements in the 77-300 K temperature range

  • Access to atomic force microscopy platform, Raman spectroscopy platform and XPS-UPS platform

* shared with other teams


Film structuration and device integration:

  • Laminar flux hoods

  • Ultrasonic bonding

  • Substrate scriber (micrometre resolution)

Microwave measurements:

  • Microwave coplanar waveguide probing station


Radiation detector characterization:

  • NIR to FIR test benches

  • Femtosecond laser 800 nm source

  • NIR sources

  • Solid state MIR source

  • Solid state THz source

  • Blackbody sources

  • Power meters, laser beam profile analyzer

  • FIR filters and interferometers

  • Micropositioning equipment

  • Digital and analog oscilloscopes

  • RF signal generators

  • Spectrum analyzer (up to 20 GHz)

  • Low noise preamplifiers

  • Lock-in amplifiers (up to 250 MHz)



  • Mathematical (Matlab®, Mathematica®)

  • Microwave simulation (COMSOL Multiphysics®, CST Microwave Studio®)

  • Instrumentation software: LabView®

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